Research • Research & Technology Organization • Brazil • 2 followers

SENAI Innovation Institutes and SENAI Institutes of Technology - Santa Catarina

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We form a multidisciplinary, complementary and strategic network to develop new processes, products and customized industrial solutions. We do this through applied research, consultancy and specialized technical metrology services.

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1,001-5,000 employees
Research & Technology Organization
Santa Catarina, Brazil

About our Innovation Strategy

The SENAI Innovation Institutes and SENAI Institutes of Technology have the following innovation strategies:
- Industry 4.0: We have a team of technicians and researchers in the fields of software development, hardware, computer vision, machine learning and sensing to help industries adopt this set of transformations. We understand that the challenge of modernization is also an opportunity for companies to become more productive and competitive in the international market.
- ESG: We have a team of consultants to help industries and service providers join the ESG trend. We understand that the challenge is to integrate economic, environmental and social objectives, one of which can be affected by the other. To do this, we propose an analysis of the company's production process and identify points for improvement. We also have expertise in green financing and how companies can access these resources to become more sustainable.
- Aerospace: We have a team of researchers fully dedicated to developing aerospace projects. We already have two completed cases in our portfolio: VCUB1 and Constelação Catarina. Both aim to improve weather monitoring to benefit agribusiness and the state in strategic processes.
- Biotechnology: We have a team of researchers, technicians and equipment dedicated to developing projects in the field of biotechnology. Our services include the analysis of biological samples from laboratories, clinics and hospitals; laboratory procedures for diagnostic purposes; and the preparation of reagents and solutions. We also have a team dedicated to innovation projects in bioinformatics.
- Renewable energies:
We have a team of researchers dedicated entirely to developing renewable energy projects. At our Eggon João da Silva Institute in Jaraguá do Sul, we have facilities dedicated to developing solar and wind energy projects, as well as a Master Business Innovation (MBI) in Renewable Energy and Electric Mobility. The specialization has a hybrid approach, with remote activities, mediated by tutors, and face-to-face activities, with technological challenges and immersions in reference centers on the subject (companies, power plants and research and teaching institutions).
- Advanced Manufacturing
We have a team of technicians, researchers and state-of-the-art facilities to develop advanced manufacturing projects for companies and industries. In Joinville, we have the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Systems which works directly with the creation of manufacturing systems by removing and adding material simultaneously, called hybrid manufacturing. The institute also develops the complete manufacturing chain in micromanufacturing, from design to testing, through to simulation and concept prototyping.

Research areas (8)

Electronics, IT and TelecommsIndustrial manufacturing, Material and Transport TechnologiesIndustrial TechnologiesAgrofood IndustryFood quality and safety and 3 more

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